Cambaceres (1753-1824) To contact me


Lettee sent to the Committee of General Safety concerning the judgement of a military tribunal.
Paris 23 Prairial year 2 of the French Republic
one and indivisible

? . C . 1851

The deputies
composing the Committee of Legislation

to the deputies
composing the  Committee of General Safety

Citizens colleagues,

National Convention returned us a petition of the Fouillete Citizen, tending to make cancel a judgement given against him by a military criminal court of the Army of the Rhine.
The parts relating to this business must be deposited in our secretariat according to the reference which us was made by it the 12 germinal one for the committee

of war; we ask you to make us pass them.

Cambaceres Merlin (of Douai)
Pons (of Verdun) ??? Bezard

20/08/06 - Emmanuel Prunaux